If you have ever dealt with a buzzing, ticking or ringing sound in your ear, you have dealt with tinnitus. It's not the most pleasant experience to deal with, but the perception of sound in the ear when there is no physical or audible reason for it is precisely the type of issue an audiologist would deal with for you. With there being no identifiable cause for the noise you are hearing, it's easy to worry about what you are hearing.

While there is no cure for tinnitus, there are some effective treatments out there that you can look into, even when there is no underlying cause. In many patient situations, a disorder is uncovered after an exam with an audiologist. Still, the first step to take here would be to speak to your audiologist and go from there.

Causes of tinnitus

If you are currently listening to a high-pitched squealing, you will be hot footing it to the nearest audiologist to find out what you can do to make things better. The exact cause of tinnitus cannot be pinpointed, even today. Most patients who are hearing a prolonged and high-pitched sound in the ear usually have some hearing loss level, even if they are unaware of that hearing loss before they sought help. There is a range of conditions that can also make the symptoms of tinnitus worse and these include:

  • Exhaustion
  • Excessive exposure to noise
  • Psychiatric issues
  • Medications
  • High-salt diets
  • Nicotine use

After you speak to an audiologist, you will be advised whether you need any surgical intervention. If not, they will be able to advise you on whether you should have hearing aids fitted or whether there is a medication available to you to help. An audiologist will be able to take you through a battery of testing to assess your hearing and your tinnitus and help you to find the right treatment.

Treatments for tinnitus

When it comes to effective treatments for tinnitus, it differs for everyone. Tinnitus is merely an irritating noise for some people, but they don't think much of it. For others, they find that their sleep and their daily life is interrupted by the constant barrage of noise. The good news is that no matter the level of tinnitus, there is a range of effective treatments that will help. Some of the most effective tinnitus treatments include:

  • Hearing aids: The majority of those experiencing tinnitus have a degree of hearing loss – even the smallest issue with hearing loss can cause tinnitus. A hearing aid fitting will help, as the hearing aids work to enhance the surrounding sound while covering up the noise from the tinnitus at the same time. Patients have previously reported that they receive considerable relief from using hearing aids with tinnitus.
  • Tinnitus maskers: These are devices that generate white noise sounds that cover the sound of the tinnitus. They provide the necessary relief for those who are hearing ringing in their ears. The downsides are that they do not enhance your hearing, making understanding speech a little tricky.
  • Medication: There are medications out there that can help those coping with tinnitus to feel better. A great deal of people who have tinnitus also has anxiety due to the constant ringing. Some medications can provide relief for the anxiety and, as a result, the tinnitus.
  • Relaxation therapies: There are specific therapies focused around relaxation that can help the stress of hearing instant noose. If you can destress, you can stop exacerbating the tinnitus you're experiencing.

How to manage tinnitus

It can help to find some management techniques to cope with tinnitus. Some people find listening to music helps to drown out the noise, and it can help to enjoy the relaxing sounds of nature. Some things can make tinnitus worse, such as excessive loud noise and drinking too much. Construction workers and those dealing with noisy professions should consider wearing hearing protection at all times on the job.

You can ask people to face you if you are dealing with tinnitus, and it makes speech difficult. You can also ask people to speak a little louder so that you can hear them better. You should be able to find relief when this happens, and if you try all of these things and you don't feel any relief, speaking to an audiologist can help answer any questions you may have about the condition. Scheduling an appointment with Siouxland Hearing Healthcare PLC today is the best thing that you can do for your tinnitus. Contact us today at (712) 266-3662 for more.