plaid shirt man struggling to hear out of right ear

If you have ever heard of hearing loss and common causes, you have likely come across the term tinnitus. Tinnitus is a symptom of an underlying condition that impacts people all over the world and is characterized by hearing noises that are not coming from the external world. Many who have tinnitus will hear ringing or buzzing sounds in their ears and this is something that can be a real annoyance to those affected.

Tinnitus is a common symptom and usually isn’t a sign of anything serious, and it can affect many different types of people. Today though we want to discuss who might be at the highest risk of developing tinnitus during their lifetime, but to do that we need to first look at the causes of this illness.

What Are the Causes of Tinnitus?

Tinnitus is a symptom that can be caused by a lot of different factors, and often it can be a combination of things to come together to cause these noises in someone’s head. The main theory for the overarching cause of tinnitus is that damage occurs along the connection between the ear and brain and causes distortions as well as the creation of sounds that simply aren’t there.

Medical Conditions

There are a few different medical conditions that cause tinnitus. Anemia, earwax issues and diabetes can all be risk factors in the development of tinnitus and as a result those who are overweight or lack iron in their blood could be at a higher risk of developing it.

Hearing Issues

Tinnitus is a hearing issue and as a result can come hand-in-hand with other conditions. If you are experiencing from Meniere’s disease this could put you at higher risk of tinnitus.

Head Injuries

If you have experienced a head injury or you have a medical condition in the brain such as a tumor, this could cause you to develop tinnitus.

Blood Vessel Issues

Commonly those who have tinnitus will hear a sound of blood rushing in their ears and blood vessel issues such as high blood pressure or blood clotting can be a big factor in developing tinnitus.


One of the most common things you will hear when talking about the risk factors that cause tinnitus is exposure to loud noises. This means that there are many things in the world that might cause you to develop this condition in your life. If you are exposed often to any of the following things, you could be at high risk:

  • Loud music
  • Construction
  • Heavy traffic or trains
  • Firearms
  • Fireworks

It is also important for you to consider turning down the volume on your TV at home as well as your headphones when listening to music on your daily commute. Although the volume change may seem small, the strain it will put on your ears over time will grow and this can be the cause of some issues. It is also important to note here that sometimes tinnitus after exposure to loud noises such as this can be just temporary so you may not face too much of an issue.


As you may have guessed; as we grow older many of us have issues with our hearing and hearing loss is very common for older individuals. Hearing loss due to aging often starts at the age of 60 and can either gradually decline or may more severe decline in the years following. If you are older, you are more at risk of developing tinnitus.


You may not have thought of medication as a cause for tinnitus, however if you are on certain medications it will heighten your risk of developing this hearing condition. There are some medications out there that are harmful to hearing and as a side effect they can cause issues for you. To find out if you are at a higher risk, it is important for you to talk to your doctor and truly understand all of the side effects of your medications before you continue to take them.

When living your day-to-day life, it is important to try and protect your ears from loud noises and always wear protection when close to heavy machinery. Hearing loss is an issue that can impact many of us and tinnitus is a common condition that comes hand in hand with it.

Learn more about tinnitus treatment services at Siouxland Hearing Healthcare, P.L.C. by calling us today at (712) 266-3662.