Most people think that an audiologist will only provide hearing tests for you. But, did you know that they carry out other services, with one of the most popular being hearing aid fittings?

A hearing aid fitting can be so important for anyone that’s found out they need hearing aids. If you don’t know anything about them, then feel free to read our short guide down below:

What is a hearing aid fitting appointment?

Primarily, this is an appointment where your hearing aids will be fitted. It’s the first time you get to actually try them on and give them a go, so it tends to be an emotional moment. Lots of people are blown away by how much of an immediate impact their hearing aids have – it’s very special!

Typically, this appointment comes after you’ve had a hearing exam to assess your hearing. Then, there’ll be a follow-up or two where you discuss different hearing aid options and are shown a variety of devices. You also have impressions taken of your ears so the audiologist can design custom earmolds for your hearing aids. Following this, you get booked in for the hearing aid fitting itself.

What happens during a hearing aid fitting?

As well as your hearing aids being fitted, you will also be spoken to about your new device. Your audiologist provides tips on how to get used to wearing them, along with maintenance guidance that you should pay attention to. They also carry out short tests to measure the volume of sound near your eardrum, in your ear canal. This is done with a special tube before your hearing aids are inserted, and then again after. All this does is allow the audiologist to set the hearing aids at the right amplification, so you hear things clearly.

During a hearing aid fitting, it’s also common for the audiologist to show you all the settings and features. You also get plenty of literature to take home and read through if you want to learn more about your hearing aids. Before you go, you have a chance to ask any questions, and you’re booked in for a follow-up appointment in a few weeks.

How do you prepare for a hearing aid fitting?

These appointments are easy to prepare for – which is good news for you. Mainly, all you should do is make a list of any questions or queries you have. Bring them in on a notepad, and you can ask away at the end. It ensures you don’t forget to ask something important before you leave!

Furthermore, you could research hearing aids, so you learn about different features and know what to expect. It’s not essential, but it can help you understand things when they’re being explained to you.

That’s all you really need to know about hearing aid fittings – we hope you’ve learned something! Some people decide to skip them and buy their own hearing aids online, just to try and save time or money. But, a hearing aid fitting is crucial as it helps you learn more about your device while ensuring you get one that actually fits correctly and works appropriately. So, if you’re wondering if you should attend one, then we advise you think about booking a hearing aid fitting with your audiologist today.