While around 50 million people in America experience hearing loss in at least one ear, research shows that only one in five individuals who could benefit from them actively wear them. If you are one of the majority who experiences hearing loss but do not manage the situation with appropriate devices, now is the time to change that.

A range of modern in-the-ear (ITE), behind-the-ear (BTE) and in-the-canal (ITC) hearing aids can provide a comfortable feel and inconspicuous look. More importantly, their performance levels are greater than ever before too thanks to an array of high-tech features, which is why booking an appointment with an audiologist is always the best solution.

Here are three of the best high-tech features that can improve your daily experiences as a hearing aids wearer.

Bluetooth Compatibility

We are living in a digital age where we rely on an array of different devices at work and in our personal lives. When you experience hearing loss, your interactions with those electronic items will often be compromised. However, we are also living in an era where connectivity is at an all-time high, as is shown by the Bluetooth compatibility of many modern hearing aids.

Bluetooth compatibility allows hearing devices to play a central role in your Internet of Things (IoT) network by connecting them to an array of different items used at work or in daily activities. In most cases, this means transmitting the sounds directly from another product to your hearing aids. Some popular examples include:

  • Connecting your phone directly to your hearing aids, thus allowing you to communicate through the hearing aids instead of holding the smartphone to your ear and experiencing feedback.
  • Linking your hearing aids directly to TVs, radios or computers. In turn, the sounds are projected straight to your devices rather than requiring sound waves to travel through the room to your ears.
  • Connecting to doorbells, safety alarms or clock alarms. By having the sounds play directly through the hearing aids due to Bluetooth connections, you will never miss a notification again.

Bluetooth connectivity improves the signal while also overcoming issues like feedback. As well as improving your direct interactions with the devices, it can support loved ones. For example, they will no longer need to deal with the TV being at full volume.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Hearing aid devices have become increasingly smart in recent years and you may already be aware of features like low battery warnings. Impressively, though, many of the best hearing aids now feature AI capabilities too. This means that they actively learn your preferences to ensure that you have the right settings selected at all times.

Most commonly, devices will record your volume and control settings or program preferences when you enter certain environments. In turn, it can learn to automate the settings when entering a similar environment. It can be particularly useful when your hands aren’t free or you experience dexterity issues. AI settings can help:

  • Automate your preferences when entering the office, home, mall or any location that is regularly visited.
  • Ensure that your hearing aids volume is at a safe and suitable level, even when you are unable to change the programs by hand.
  • Adjust to new situations even when you’re in conversations, thus enabling you to avoid the threat of appearing rude.

Your audiologist can talk you through the full capabilities of artificial intelligence, but it has certainly changed the landscape for hearing aids wearers. When combined with modern apps, making adjustments and tracking insightful data is easier than you ever imagined.

Noise Management

Hearing aids can improve a user’s daily life in many ways, but they don’t provide perfect clarity on a 24/7 basis. Feedback and unwanted noise can cause disruption and frustration. For example, the noises may prevent you from following a conversation. Thankfully, modern devices can include a variety of noise management features to prevent this issue.

Feedback management systems can manage the whistling noises that may occur from time to time. While it won’t stop naturally occurring tinnitus, it does keep tinnitus-like symptoms caused by faulty hearing aids to a minimum. Further noise management features found in modern hearing aids include but are not limited to:

  • Digital noise reduction technology, which will detect unwanted noises and reduce their sound volumes.
  • Wind noise reduction, which serves to prevent whirring noises and feedback caused by playing sports or being on the water.
  • White noise and melody playing features that can mask tinnitus or feedback from the hearing aids.

Noise management tools enable wearers to enjoy their hearing aids with greater consistency and reliability in a wider range of situations and scenarios. As such, they should be considered must-have features in the modern age.

Book Your Hearing Aids Consultation Today!

Modern hearing aids boast greater capabilities than ever before, but you can only unlock the full benefits after finding the right devices for you. If you experience known or suspected hearing loss contact Siouxland Hearing Healthcare, P.L.C at (712) 266-3662 to book an appointment with an audiologist.